Friday, January 11, 2008

Bento Papa #4

nothing special... hanya nasi, mi goreng, scrambled egg, lalap timun n cabe
donat tahu, dan roti sobek panggang

more simple... nasi, udang kecap inggris bakar, sup baso tahu

waffle siram coklat, n pancake

Beberapa hari in ga bisa nyiapin bento yang istimewa buat papa, rasa2nya kok sibuk banget... padahal cuma ibu rumah tangga biasa ini, ngerangkap babysitter, koki, housemaid, supir, kurir, en kasir warnet, juga totally general manager of the house... *sigh*... well, tapi diatas semua itu kulakukan untuk orang2 yang kucintai, i do it with lots of love... tulus ikhlas... Luv you honey....

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Mom of a lil' girl who still longing for her passion. Obsessed to know more, learn more, take more and give more... Here, on her lil' kitchen.
Unless mentioned, described, or linked, all works and photographs are created by May Irianti. Copyright 2007 - 2008. You may copy only the recipes but please do make a link to this blog. DO NOT COPY . Please ask first !
