Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Bento Papa # 5

Posting bento papa dulu ah... bento yang kubuat sederhana karena ga punya cukup waktu untuk nyiapinnya...

malu ah posting yang ini, cuma nasi, kering tempe, tahu bumbu bali, ktela goreng, en pear kupas... gak ada istimewanya, it's a running late bento

Indonesia banget, nasi, sayur asem, tempe goreng
lalap timun, sambel tomat, n steam corn

nasi tabur bawang goreng, soup, tempe goreng, dadar gulung a la tamagoyaki, sambel kecap en pear kupas*

*) untuk pear dan apel yang sudah dikupas, agar tidak berubah warna sampe saat dimakan, rendam dulu dengan air es dan perasan jeruk nipis, 5 menit aja udah cukup kok.

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Mom of a lil' girl who still longing for her passion. Obsessed to know more, learn more, take more and give more... Here, on her lil' kitchen.
Unless mentioned, described, or linked, all works and photographs are created by May Irianti. Copyright 2007 - 2008. You may copy only the recipes but please do make a link to this blog. DO NOT COPY . Please ask first !
